Actually it's not Friday but considering Friday is a holiday I'll take today as the end of a LOOONG week. I owe a complete blog so here goes.
A Sick Little One
After my action-packed "planned" weekend last week it all turned out to be a bust. I didn't go to the sky show as planned. I woke up at 12:30 am to get ready and get a bad feeling about the whole thing. I've been very conscious of when my intuition is talking to me so I listened and stayed home and got a few more hours of sleep. So I'm sitting in bed reading around 11 am when I get a call from my daughter's school that she has a temperature of 102 degrees. (WHAT?!?!) I called her dad but he couldn't leave work so I agreed to pick her up and take her to his place. He had already told me that she wasn't feeling well that morning but he medicated her and sent her on her merry little way (i.e. she felt better and was in good spirits). By the time I got to school (a 2 hour trip thanks to the horrendous traffic), she looked sick. She was listless and her color was off. Plus she was asking for Mommy. I took her home, took all her clothes off, medicated her some more, gave her plenty of fluids and put her to bed. She slept for several hours which gave me the opportunity to finish my book. She woke up hungry so she got peanut butter toast (delicioso!). She watched cartoons in bed and pretty much chilled -at my orders - until her dad got home. He went out and got her chicken fried rice for dinner (her favorite). But she didn't eat very much of it and went to bed without complaint (is this my child?).
Saturday - the saga continues
I had a doctor's appointment on Saturday. My daughter wanted to go. She was still feverish but said she felt better and when I told her she may want to stay home with Daddy she had a fit because she wasn't going to be left at home while I go out. So I took her and she whined the whole way. We finally finished at the doctor's and I took her to IHOP to eat breakfast. Her whole day changed with a meal. She immediately perked up and became her old self. We ran some errands and I took her back to her dad's house - where I took a nap and when I got up she and her dad were playing. We thought she was all better. It rained - hard - so we decided to go to the Taste of Chicago. It wasn't crowded - nothing clears a crowd like rain - so that worked out well. Do you know that all that child wanted at the Taste was some chips and McDonald's and the McDonald's was the most expensive thing there? I on the other hand had some catfish nuggets, baked potato, chocolate covered strawberry, cheesecake and watermelon. I was full and it was good. Unfortunately she had on new sandals that were not made for walking and her feet hurt her so I broke down and carried her part of the ways back to the car.
And the diagnosis is...
I needed to pick my daughter up from her father's house for church. I'm on my way there when the cell phone's her dad. He let's me know that she is covered with a rash...RED LIGHTS GO OFF. The child had a fever for two days and now she has a the doctor ASAP! He does and comes back with the verdict: SCARLET FEVER! I didn't know kids still got that anymore. Apparently they do cause mine has it. Luckily her doctor called in a prescription that we got filled and started her on Sunday. She felt fine but she itched so it was back to the old stand-bys: oatmeal baths and witch hazel. They both helped but not 100%. Needless to say we missed the dinner for her great-grandmother but I ordered us Leona's instead. Her dad went without us. I told him it's his grandmother turning 90 and my daughter obviously couldn't go.
Monday rolled around and I took her to the doctor. She has scarlet fever. She felt 100% better however and even got a prescription to help with the itching or as she says "i'm scratchy". Either way I took her shopping for summer clothes at Rainbow Kids. They were having a sale and I got her about 15 new outfits for a reasonable amount of money. We got shoes at Payless yesterday. She is ready for summer.
I'm making no plans for this holiday weekend. That way nothing can go wrong. I just plan to take things as they come and relax when possible. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Independance Day.
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