Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Backhanded Compliment

Lately I've been hearing "You don't look pregnant from behind." I'm not quite sure how to take this. Obviously I feel pregnant all over so logic would say I look pregnant all over. Unfortunately I can't see myself from behind so I have to take other people's word for it. It just doesn't feel like a good thing though. This had led me to analyze this pregnancy compared to my other and I've come up with the following things that are different:

1. I've gained less weight. By the time I had Munchkin I had packed on around 30 pounds. With Munckin-in-Training (MIT), I've barely put on 15. Although this could change in the next 6 weeks, I doubt it will put me close to 30.

2. I'm under more stress. When I was pregnant with Munchkin, I had a pretty stress-free job. I was doing contract work that wasn't really work and didn't take much effort. My job now is stress-laden. Deadlines to meet, erratic hours, etc. However I wouldn't trade them. I like my job now and knew that it was stressful when I decided to stay here 4.5 years ago. I was involved in church but not to the extent that I am now. I have a position now with A LOT more responsibilities and at the moment there aren't a lot of people to take them on. MD thinks I'm doing to much and has threatened to cut back for me if I don't do it myself. This sounds very good in theory.

3. I'm carrying this baby differently. Munckin rode high. When she dropped, I breathed easier, literally. MIT is riding low. That would explain that I have more pain in my hips.

4. Speaking of pain, I'm in more pain. The kidney stone incident pretty much tops it. Munchkin's pregnancy was relatively pain free except for back pain towards the end. With MIT, I have a touch of sciatica. The problem with this is that I really can't take painkillers to combat the pain. I just have to grin and bear it. I'm afraid labor pain is going to take the cake. I'm shooting for a drug-free labor but that may not happen. I was able to do it with Munchkin and don't see why I shouldn't be able to with MIT but every baby is different.

5. I'm more out of shape. I was able to aquaerobics when I was pregnant with Munchkin and I think that really helped with labor and delivery. No such with MIT. Referring to number 2 I really don't have the time or energy. By the time I get home the last thing on my mind is bend and stretch.

6. I'm on more vitamins. I am severly anemic this go round. Therefore on top of my horse pills aka pre-natal vitamins, I'm also taking horse pills aka iron pills. The only saving grace to finding out I am anemic is that it makes me feel better about some of the symptoms I've been feeling (tired, cracked lips, etc.).

7. MIT is A LOT more active than Munchkin was. It kicks at all hours of the day and I'm not quite sure when it sleeps. I'm curious what kind of personality it will have once it arrives.

With that said, my only concern right now is delivering a healthy baby all the other details will fall where they will.

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