Monday, July 12, 2004

2 with one blow...

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Resignation:: Quitting with notice
  2. Coupling:: Doin' it
  3. Grounded:: no tv, no outside, no nothing
  4. Habit:: Hard to break
  5. Chainsaw:: Massacre in Texas
  6. Rental:: Have to give back
  7. Deleted:: Erase from the hard drive
  8. Online personals:: Stretched truths
  9. Penguin:: Not a flyer
  10. Offend:: You said what?!

  1. Crippling:: Obstacle to overcome
  2. Tough:: Hard to do but not impossible
  3. Slinky:: It's such a wonderful toy
  4. Slogan:: Catchphrase
  5. Stuffed:: Roll me out the door
  6. Instructions:: Detailed Directions
  7. Expletive:: Oohhh, you cussed
  8. Cartoon:: Tom and Jerry
  9. Toddler:: Wobbly Walker
  10. Insinuation:: Nosey

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