Wednesday, February 25, 2004

This Is Love...

Contrary to popular belief, the family bed is really the only way to get good sleep the first few weeks of your baby's life. I tried letting Squirm/MIT (I still haven't decided what to call her) sleep in her crib and it worked until I was utterly exhausted and was falling asleep while she nursed. Essentially I was afraid I would drop her. Therefore she is following in her big sister's footsteps and sleeping with Mommy and Daddy. Since I breastfeed nothing is easier than rolling over and popping a nipple in her mouth and falling back to sleep.

I say all that to say what. This morning after I fed Squirm I was fallng asleep. All of a sudden I felt these little fingers on my lips. I opened my eyes and Squirm was looking at me and then she smiled. A really big gum bearing smile. Usually I have to make silly faces at her or talk like a crazy person to get these smiles. My heart just aches at the amount of love one little person can inspire in you. I must confess that I want more of those smiles.

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