Monday, June 07, 2004

New Voter Technology

I received an email to send my congressional representatives a note on the new electronic voting system. While I believe that technology can make our lives easier we should all be aware of what's going on - especially when it involves our right to vote. Please take a look at the note below and if you are so inclined, check out the website.

Dear friend,
I hope you will join me in signing this petition from MoveOn. It's about the new electronic voting terminals that are being installed in many states.

Too many are "black box" voting machines -- computer terminals that don't produce paper ballots. Without paper ballots, there's no way to know if our votes are counted correctly. Also, computers are vulnerable to malfunction -- how often does yours freeze up?

Every voting method should produce a paper ballot, so we can verify that our votes will count. Join me in calling for paper ballots, at:

Thank you.

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