Thursday, May 27, 2004

BROTHERHOOD of the Ring (or Pick, or Rims)

MD has proposed a parody of "Lord of the Rings" where the cast is all Black. He sent me some initial casting choices which I found most amusing. I'm soliciting ideas to round out the cast. Some don't have to be Black (or African-American whichever you prefer) but they do have to be a minority since the original was a little lacking in that area.

Some may be offended but I don't care. I like a good laugh and poking fun at good cinematography (big word that, huh?) is a way to achieve it.

For the sake of argument, I've included the original actors in parenthesis in case you don't remember who these characters are by names alone. I'm curious to see where this leads. As suggestions are offered I'll fill them in.

(Alan Howard) .... The Ring (voice)
(Andy Serkis).... Gollum/Smeagol
(Bernard Hill).... Theoden
Chris Rock(Billy Boyd).... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
(Brad Dourif).... Grima Wormtongue
Lil Kim(Cate Blanchett).... Galadriel
(Christopher Lee).... Saruman the White
(David Wenham).... Faramir
Dave Chappelle(Dominic Monaghan).... Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck
MD(Elijah Wood).... Afro (Frodo) Baggins
(Hugo Weaving).... Elrond
Gary Coleman(Ian Holm).... Bilbo Baggins
Snoop(Ian McKellen).... Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White
(John Noble).... Denethor, Steward of Gondor
Bushwick Bill(John Rhys-Davies).... Gimli/Voice of Treebeard
(Karl Urban).... Eomer
(Liv Tyler).... Arwen
RuPaul(Miranda Otto).... Eowyn
Chris Tucker(Orlando Bloom).... Legolas Greenleaf
(Sean Astin).... Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
(Sean Bean).... Boromir
(Viggo Mortensen).... Aragorn

And for good measure:
O.J. Simpson as a Wring Wraith (goin' around stabbin' folxs)

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