Tuesday, May 04, 2004

What is the World Coming To?

This really, really bothers me. Maybe it's because I still have a high dose of Mommy hormones riding in my bloodstream but making babies just to save someone else and "saving" the embryos you don't use for later turns my stomach. Ethically I think it's wrong. How do you explain to your child that we "made" you just to save your brother or sister and thanks!

Chicago Lab Creates Babies For Stem-Cell Donations

Five Healthy Embryos Chosen As Compatible Donors

CHICAGO -- In a growing practice that troubles some ethicists, a Chicago laboratory helped create five healthy babies so that they could serve as stem-cell donors for their ailing brothers and sisters.

The made-to-order infants, from five different families, were screened and selected when they were still embryos to make sure they would be compatible donors. Their siblings suffered from leukemia or a rare and potentially lethal anemia.

The Chicago doctors said the healthy embryos that were not matches were frozen for potential future use. But some ethicists said such perfectly healthy embryos could end up being discarded.

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